Are Lab-Grown Diamonds a Viable Alternative to Natural Diamonds? - KLARITY LONDON

Are Lab-Grown Diamonds a Viable Alternative to Natural Diamonds?

In recent years, lab-grown diamonds have increased in popularity as a result of advances in technology. These diamonds are created in a controlled environment and typically have the same visual...
September 07, 2022 — PETER NGO
7 Easy Hacks to Save Money on an Engagement Ring - KLARITY LONDON

7 Easy Hacks to Save Money on an Engagement Ring

  How to actually save money on an engagement The first thing to do is set a budget, that way you'll have a determining factor which is fixed. This can help...
June 08, 2022 — PETER NGO
How are diamonds priced? - KLARITY LONDON

How are diamonds priced?

In order to understand a diamonds value and rarity it's important to have an understanding of the 4'Cs. Once you have decided on the following factors, Colour, Clarity, Report origin,...
How much is a diamond? - KLARITY LONDON

How much is a diamond?

No matter how big or small the diamond, it'll be one of the most valuable purchases a person will make. At Klarity we'll guide you on how to make the most of your budget a provides true value at a price which your are comfortable with. Diamond prices are reflected in their rarity, size and quality.
Where did the tradition of a diamond engagement ring come from? - KLARITY LONDON

Where did the tradition of a diamond engagement ring come from?

The concept of giving of a metal ring as a piece of a proposition to be engaged is thought by anthropologists to have begun from a Roman custom. Spouses would...
Why Engagement Rings are Important - KLARITY LONDON

Why Engagement Rings are Important

Although we’re not as hard-stuck to wedding traditions as we used to be, one of the most enduring elements is the engagement ring. Considering the bride is given a wedding...